Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why is fox news wishing people ';Happy Holidays'; while bill o'reilly rants and raves about a ';war on christmas';?

Because Bill O'Reily is a real life scrooge. If I had the mental capacity of a baboon like he does, I would be pissed off too.....Why is fox news wishing people ';Happy Holidays'; while bill o'reilly rants and raves about a ';war on christmas';?
Maybe the Saudi ownership of Fox probably does not permit the station itself to say ';Merry Christmas.';

Bill O'Reilly is an ';opinion';, rather than a spokesperson for the station itself.

Be certain that the ';war'; talk may be propaganda intended to undermine and destabilize. This is not about religion, but about traditional culture. Christmas and Christianity just happens to be a key and resistant element of the traditional culture being targeted.

Bill O'Reilly is participating in the demoralization process. O'Reilly does not elevate and inspire, does he? He merely feeds and fosters dis-content and REaction! How many other ';right wing'; pundits do this also; in this they are similar to the crazed Olbermans on ';the left!';

Should the words ';Christmas'; and ';war'; even be used in the same sentence of those with good intentions, when you think about it?

Perhaps those who value the cultural traditions of the Christmas holidays---regardless of religious affiliation, but Christians in particular---should not watch such assaults on their morale, and those who don't value Christmas traditions as such, but do value American ones, including religious freedom, should remain cognizant that some things are matters of cultural sovereignty and avoid any temptation to laugh at those who are, in fact, their fellow---but simply more prominent---targets.Why is fox news wishing people ';Happy Holidays'; while bill o'reilly rants and raves about a ';war on christmas';?
Because ';Happy Holidays'; is an accepted greeting among Christians and others, and refers to the entire season from Thanksgiving through Christmas to the New Year Celebration - and is appropriate for use by the network.

O'Reilly's defense of Christmas in the environment of Political Correctness and Atheistic Offense is admirable, but separate from the FOX (not faux, as some have described it) Network.
It is a cable news network. It has to make money by selling adds. It is also the politically correct way to say Merry Christmas so as not to offend anyone who doesn't watch The No Spin Zone.

I'll have to make a correction to your comment. The network may be saying Happy Holidays but many of the people in front of the camera all day long are saying Merry Christmas.
Because Fixed Noise has Jewish/non-Christian listeners they want to indoctrinate and not offend.

Billy O is an entertainer who should not be taken seriously. There is no real contradiction between the Noise saying Holidays and little Billy doing a bit on Christmas.
Well Fox is explained well here ---

These are the people who put you at risk and your children by squashing the truth -

By wishing ';Happy Holidays'; and not just saying ';Merry Christmas'; then they are proving that they are fair and balanced. Can the same be said for other mainstream media?
Guess someone up in Standards and Practices or wherever didnt get the memo

They should, I'm sure Bill will make a few calls upstairs if word gets back around to him
Fox News controlls itself. They don't want to offend any viewers by saying Merry Christmas. But Bill O'Reily isn't the actual news, he just has his segment.
Like others have said; Bill O is one of many people on the network. I think it should be Merry Christmas but where I consult they say Happy Holidays. I hate it but....
Bill Oreily has his own show. He doesn't do everything the network tells him despite what you might think...
bill oreilly is an idiot... listen to him and you'll have no want for moonshine...
I didnt know Bill personally ran Fox News. He can't tell Fox News what to do or what not to do.
Oh, Bill should let loose and enjoy Christmas
Freedom of speech
Better question why would anyone watch Faux Noise?

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