Thursday, December 31, 2009

Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?

It seems to me that those who answer instantly are killjoy negative types who destroy the whole purpose of Yahoo! Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?
You know, I find it so annoying that some people can't even come up with a good answer. They never talk about anything good, they don't even answer the question at all. They ruin everything with their idiotic comments. They just go on and on and on, long after anyone is interested. You'd think they'd change the topic after a while, but they never do, until you start to wonder, 'What is wrong with them?' but still they just won't shut up! People like that really get on my nerves!

Lmao... how did I do?

In all seriousness though, I do agree that there are people on here that make it no fun for others. Y!A just doesn't seem to hold the interest for me that it used to... after a while you just get sick of all the trolls and the stupid violations... people who just screw it up for everyone else. But think of those who are the opposite... always there with a witty answer or a funny comment. There's both good and bad here... same as anywhere else. There are jerks wherever you go... nothing to be done. Cheers :)

Edit: It was a joke, buddy... to the TDer: I wave my private parts at your aunties! Sorry... only thing that sprang to mind... lmao. Seemed to fit, cause it's not like I'm angry, just a bit kind of... must you, was that so necessary? And you gotta love Monty Python!Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?
Yes absolutely and then some answerers just attack the people before them completely ignoring the original question. Then of course you get the people who dont answer what you asked and you think for god sake read the question !!
well if i want to answer a question but don't actually have an answer i will still answer it by going off the question and give my opinion on something different but something that still relates to the question

nothing wrong with that

Yes it is very frustrating. I think there are a lot of people on here young and old that lack common sense, wisdom and social graces.
The whole point of Yahoo answers is to ask intelligent real questions, not to use it as some chat service.
And many decent questions never get an answer either ...

Yeah, I guess sometimes that happens.
yes, it is a problem.

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