Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?

when they dont know anything about Iraq? And why didnt they get rid of Saddam if they knew and cared?Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?
Islam itself is an aggressive religion. It feeds on anger and percieved injustice. The only thing it has any respect for is strength. That is why we need to support our President and show Islam that American has some real teeth and we will smoke you if you mess with us.Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?
Because americans acts as gays and phycos in Iraq .......
I would go further and say that an even larger number of people who know nothing at all about Islam, rant and rave about Iraq- preoccupied with propaganda and a lack of knowledge of the significance of a democratic world. Democratic countries do not war with each other, and also a democratic Iraq, is strategically beneficial.

vindictive- its obvious you are not a muslim- if you were, you would KNOW there were WMD (even if the evidence found isnt enough for the liberal bush haters) ALSO if Bush was such a liar, dont you think it would have been very easy to lie and say they DID find some? Dont you think they could have planted some, just to shut the protesters up?

Ahmed, Saddam didnt rape people? Thats a laugh- if he didnt do it personally, his flunkies did under his rule- and there have been people testify to just that, except they were raped with knives, and hot pokers and things like that-Americans dont put up with our people doing those things- you can bet those soldiers will be punished for their actions. By the way, Americans WANT Iraq to rule itself by its own people- thats what we are there working so hard to make possible- If Saddam wasnt removed, when do you think the Iraqi people would have ever been able to rule themselves? Furthermore, you are NOT an Iraqi who has lived under Saddam- OBVIOUSLY (unless your family benefitted from his cruelty in some way)- the feeling is shared too, Americans would rather NOT sacrifice good hearted brothers and sisters and sons and daughters for countries that dont appreciate it. When pocket change will buy the average arabs political support. Not being bigoted, being observant!
Um, ProZack, let me remind you that Hitler was democratically elected. The major democratic powers in the modern world tend not to go to war with each other because they share similar idealogies. I doubt the US would draw any real distinction between a country with a democratically elected Islamic government and a heritary one.

My objections to the war are based on history, my understanding of foreign policy and military strategy, and my moral principles. I did not like Saddam's policies, but I do not believe that gave us the right to overthrow him, and it certianly did not give us the ability to rebuild the country.

I believe that many Muslims object to the war in Iraq because they see it (rightly) as an imperialist action. Given that the basic idea of imperialism is that the imperialist aggressor believes itself superior to the recipient of the action and believes that the recipient needs its help I think it is perfectly reasonable to see the war in Iraq as, to some extent, an attack on the Arab world in general.


ProZack: let me clarify that. Hitler was appointed chancellor by a democratically elected president. The Nazi party was the most sucessfully party in the 1933 elections with 43.9%. They joined forces with the DNVP, and together the two parties won 51.8% of the vote and thus controlled a majority of the parliment. When it comes down ot it, the public was so afraid of communism that the made a few really, really bad decisions. The point is that a democracy does still have the potential to turn into one of the most evil dictatorships the world has ever seen. Simply having a democratic government does not make a country immune to, for lack of a better word, evilness.

But that wasn't even my main point. Democracies tend not to go to war with each other because they tend to agree. There's nothing inherently special about democracy that makes it peaceful. It's just that the societies that produce democracies tend to be fairly similar. and societies with similar ideals tend not to go to war with each other unless they need each others resources. Since most democracies are developed countries, there's not a huge demand for their neighbors' resources.

Beyond that, there aren't a whole lot of democracies in the world, and most of them haven't been around very long. At less than 250 years old the US is (arguably) the second oldest democracy in the world, so you we're already only looking at the past 250 years. Even now, there are all sorts of constitutal monarchies and such, but how many countries would you really call democracies? If you randomly pair up countries to fight each other in different periods of history (in proportion to the amount of fighting there actually was at the time), you're not going to see a whole lot of democracies fighting each other. Your assertion that don't democracies don't fight each other is based on statistically insignificant data that could easily be attributed to chance alone. And even still it wouldn't prove causation. Over the past 200 years the average number of pirates has decreased and the average global temperature as increased. Clearly the loss of pirates is the cause of global warming. Even if it were true that democracies don't fight each other as much as countries with other forms of government (which it is not), that wouldn't prove that countries are peaceful because they are democracies. It's just not that simple. If you go in and overthrow a government and replace it with a democracy that wouldn't magically make the country peaceful. It just doesn't work that way.
Why do a large number of fanatical christians rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?

when they dont know anything about Iraq? And why don't they get rid of son of a bush and his english servant if they knew and cared?
How would you feel if a foreign gov't went on a rampage and started bombing cities and churches down south in the bible belt of the US?
As an Arab I hate Saddam but also I`m not fond of the Americans. Yes Saddam did horrible things..ex. Inavding Kuwait

but at least he didn`t rape prisoners during investigations like the American troops did in Abu Gharib %26amp; Guntanmou

it`s better for Iraq to rule itself BY IT`S OWN PEOPLE

Americans should get lost out of Iraq %26amp; let them rule themselves
I notice the media didn't mention ';gassing the kurds'; for YEARS (or ask who FUNDED the regime that gassed them) ... until Saddam stood up and said ';no'; to the U.S. on a crude oil deal for once, and then the media slander began. Funny, people suddenly cared so much for the kurds (although the number of Iraqi citizens tortured and killed in this war has outnumbered the kurd rebellions many, many times over). And whoever wrote ';democratic nations don't war with each other'; needs to look up ';irony'; in the dictionary (unless it's already tattooed on his/her forehead). What a bunch of moronic, media-led, Islamophobes. I am ashamed to be white, ashamed to be Western, and ashamed to be Christian right now.
What do YOU know about Iraq? The reason they rant %26amp; rave is because the war on Iraq is completely pointless. There are no weapons of mass destruction as Bush probably knew before the invasion. The people of Iraq were just fine even under Saddam Hussein and now we hear about deaths in Iraq everyday - be it Iraqis or Americans. They rant %26amp; rave about it because America feels it has the right to invade any country to ';free the people from dictator and save them..'; and let me tell you America has not helped the Iraqis a single bit, nor has it helped the countless American soldiers who die everyday and their families.
As an Australian we know the Iraqis as good people, and over their our soilders guard the Japanese engineers as they wire a hospital that is being rebuilt by the Indonesions. Thats three different countries and three different religions helping to rebuild basic medical facilities for the men, women and children of Iraq.

By the way, Bush did find a Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq - his name is Saddam Hussain.

You see the Australians have a problem with any nationality or religion that gasses children as this nutter did to the Kurds.

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