Monday, December 28, 2009

How many of you that rant and rave on here about politics actually voted during the last presidental election?

As well as your last local election?How many of you that rant and rave on here about politics actually voted during the last presidental election?
Well, I have an excuse, seeing as I was 17 in 2004, which is too young to vote, unfortunately.

But just because you're too young, or aren't a citizen, or couldn't register for some reason, doesn't mean that you can't/shouldn't complain %26amp; discuss politics.How many of you that rant and rave on here about politics actually voted during the last presidental election?
Cheers for younger people involved in politics! I'm 16, so I'll be able to vote in '08 - I can't wait.

Even though I couldn't vote in the last election, I definitely campaigned. :)

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I vote in every election even for shcool board.
It's been my experience that MOST of the people who complain a lot are the ones that do the least.
I voted in the last general election, and have voted in every Presidential election since I was eligible in 1980. I also voted in the last local election, although I was not familiar with any of the candidates.
I did.
I voted on an absentee ballot.
Me! And I agree, if you don't vote, you have no right to whine.
I did, but I don't rant and rave on here...

What's the point? Either:

1.) People that WOULD rant and rave on here allready have their opinion and arn't too interested in others opinions or facts they don't know about.

2.) People that DON'T rant and rave on here couldn't care less about politics.

I'm always up for giving some insight to people who question different political things and want ideas/opinions/facts ect.
i voted!
I did.
Yes, I voted, and I was PI$$ED OFF by the results whereby the key state of Florida...ol' Jeb's state...had all these questionable election votes. It's all one big conspiracy!
I couldn't...
I voted last I rant to myself mainly.
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