Monday, December 28, 2009

How does the ranting and raving exhibited by Barack Hussein Obama's former pastor Rev. Wright unite Americans?

It doesn't. Wright, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and others are all the EXACT same. Their very wealthy lifestyle is based on fueling racism. If racism goes away, so does their existence. And Obama is ABSOLUTELY guilty of the same racism because you cannot have a friend and mentor such as Wright for 23 years if you are not a racist yourself. All four of those racist pigs (5 counting Obama) make me want to puke.

Jack Kass...You are a vile pig, just like Mr. Wright. I do not call him a man of God because he is not. This will probably get deleted, but I hope you read it. America is and always has been the most compassionate country on the planet. We give more financial assistance and have come to the aid of more countries around the world than all other countries combined, so your puke you spew is just disgusting.How does the ranting and raving exhibited by Barack Hussein Obama's former pastor Rev. Wright unite Americans?
It's doesn't. He isn't running for office or trying to unite all Americans. He is not the same person as Barack Obama. Try to keep the black people straight.How does the ranting and raving exhibited by Barack Hussein Obama's former pastor Rev. Wright unite Americans?
Well it does expose America's dirty little secret of racism that still exist in the country. In addition; people are finding ways to deal with the problem correctly.
He's a loser. And so is Obama.
It does not, it divides them.
Well have you tried the Black Value System yet??????????

Maybe you will like it......Maybe it is better than your current color of value system. this is not serious

here is a link to the real BVS
Looks like it unites his crazy assed congregation.
Most of us see it and come to a consensus: ';this guy is out of his mind';.

Now that's unity.
It unites those who hate America. I can't believe his supporters are still defending him.

Notice how he has recently become a stuttering fool.
It doesnt - The guy is crazy and unAmerican.
I don't think that it does, generally speaking.

So maybe I'll vote for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. Or maybe it'll be John Sidney McCain III, although he kind of reminds me of George Herbert Walker Bush.

I mostly wish Ronald Ernest Paul was still in the race though.
Well lots of Americans black, white, asian and hispanic have been appalled at Rev. Wright's bigotry and incitement of racial hatred--maybe they are uniting in their condemnation of his Black Separatist views and in rethinking their support for Barack Obama?
It doesn't!
Most of the stuff he said was true...

1) Rich white men rule our country

2) America kills innocent people

3) God damn America (I'd say most people around the world would agree with this, and we need change from Bush)

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