Thursday, December 31, 2009

All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?

Okay let's see somthing new. Obviously immigrants are not responding well to the process of becoming a legal immigrant. Americans are not responding well to the fact that immigrants are taking matters into their own hands and are coming here illegally. This causes a problem right? So instead of EVERYONE just complaining about what is happening now, what ideas do you have that will have immigrants be satisfied with the ';legal process of becoming legal';, and leave Americans without the ';people being here illegally'; issue. That is the problem right? That there are people here illegally, or is it really that Americans don't want people to migrate here?


For those of you who are American and the true problem is that you don't want people migrating to the US at all, look back down your family line. The majority of your families have migrated here and yes perhaps legally, so why not give other families a chance to do so as well? We did,I'm Native American by the way.All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?
We want our laws enforced. The illegals aren't going to obey the laws -- they've proven that time and time again and the mere fact that 3 million were given amnesty in 1986 as a partial solution to the immigration problem and laws were strengthened but we have a 600% increase in the illegal immigrant population proves the point.

We need to enforce the laws FIRST, FOREMOST, and ALWAYS! We don't really care that illegals are dissatisfied. Nothing short of unequivocal amnesty and a set up for future lawbreakers to continue this tradition will satify the illegals and just like all criminal blackmailers -- when they get their way on one issue, they'll just demand more and more and more. No more negotiations. No more nice guy. No more sympathy. No more anything for illegal immigrants except law enforcement! The law doesn't care about circumstances. The law is the law and if it wasn't meant to be enforced, then it shouldn't have been passed to begin with.

Once we get the illegal population under control and we stop more illegals from entering, then we can deal with possible changes to the law that can be and will be enforced uniformly. Until then -- We're not complaining! We're demanding enforcement of all the laws currently on the books! Section 8 of 1324 US Code deals with employers and those who hire, harbor and help illegal immigrants. Enforce that part of the law first. Once the income is taken away, their stated reason for coming here will dry up and maybe they'll go back where they belong and fix their own country. Some Chinese, Irish, and others are already seeing the light and doing just that. When will the Mexicans wake up?All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?
1. Anyone who hires an illegal immigrant or rents to one gets five years in prison.

2. Anyone who is caught being in this country illegally gets five years in prison. If you have a stolen documentation, it is 15 years.

3. We give out more work visas for people in other countries who want to come here and work. If it can be proven that you were in this country illegally at any time, you go to jail for 5 years and can get a work visa after that.

Problem solved.
I'm not sure what American families you are talking about but my family immigrated here through Ellis Island and they did it legally.

Although I have sympathy for those coming over here from Mexico in order to get jobs and feed their families there are differences within the migrant populations as to what they think is entitled to them. The Latino radio and t.v stations promote illegal immigration. They literally promote it. I'm not just saying this, many Mexican Americans are protesting this coming from these radio stations. They don't like it either. It isn't right. I think Mexico needs to start taking responsibility for their poor so they aren't coming over here. I also believe that NAFTA really screwed Mexico and it screwed the American middle class as well. But that's a whole other topic. I don't believe that these people who crossed the border illegally should get automatic citizenship or amnesty. Why should they get the opportunity to step in front of the line ahead of those who are trying to immigrate legally and have gone through the process of doing everything they are supposed to. Perhaps we need to allow more to get over here legally so we aren't having to deal with this crap. But those who are here illegally shouldn't get automatic citizenship. They should be given a chance to apply. But not all should get it. Those with children born in America and with jobs should be given first chance. But there should also be a requirement that they learn english with english classes, pay taxes, and go through civics classes and prove they've been here for 5 years or more. We don't need an underclass that doesn't know its rights or thinks it's entitled to something just because they work in this country illegally.

Also go after employers who hire illegals. They should be fined very heavily to the point that it hurts more financially than it does to hire American workers who would be paid more.

However it is resolved, it should be done humanly by law enforcement and not in such a way that splits up families.

I'm with sassykay on this as well.鈥?/a>
Yes, sure, we know that a huge population of American citizens are descendants from immigrants. And some know that their ancestors were SENT/BROUGHT and fought to bring the American Flag and the American Constitution into existence. A huge percentage of today's ancestors were brought into America's frontier lands to work WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF AMERICA'S GOVERNMENT to clear the frontiers, work its lands and helped bring the best into America. A high percentage of Americans are very proud that their ancestors came to America LEGALLY.

Take a look at those Americans in support of illegal aliens today. Listen to their accents! Very likely new immigrants who probably came here illegally or children of illegal parents themselves, and have not learned that America is not the country where they/their illegal parents originated from. What do they know of the decendants of those who came in legally. They probably carry a chip on their shoulders and are perhaps psychologically suffering the complex of having to dace the dact that their parents or ancestors are lawbreakers. Why do they want illegals to continue living here? So that they can avoid standing alone, as they suffer the guilt of being born from lawbreakers. Of course, drug trafficking, and illegal and corrupt businesses bring big dollars. Who don't want illegal aliens when these illegal alins are good suckers for making money, even at the risk of having to face death and lawbreaking?

If illegal aliens are honest with themselves and really believe they are only taking jobs Americans and legal residents don't want, then they should not be afraid of going back to their countries of origin to apply. If businesses are truthful that they hire these illegal aliens for jobs and legal residents don't want, then they should be confident that these illegal aliens, upon returning to their countries to apply through proper channels, will be able to come back to America with legal papers to work for them. Businesses that try to lie to America with propaganda are probably those doing illegal business deals in America, and know that those illegal aliens would never come back because they are working in illegal businesses here.

Illegal lawbreakers are troublesome for America. And proud americans who take pride over their ;aw-abiding ancestors' integrity will not allow bad-hats to mushroom into this precious nation to turn it into a digraceful state of existence of crimes and corruption like those countries they fled from.

The march by the illegal aliens has become symbolic to true Americans that they are set in bringing their shitty lifestyles, of those nations they left , into the US.

We ought to cheer our LAPD officers out in LA for showing us that Americans ought to take back their nation from seeping into the ugliness of Mexico or those nations unfit to take care of their citizens without promoting crimes, drug trafficking and murders. It's a laugh that Cadibal Roger Mahony is standing fground for them. Mahoney panders to pedophile priests and should be irked!
HUH? What are you babbling about? You have no FACTS to backup YOUR rant. I state FACTS, not opinions based on illogical emotion.

Americans are LIVID about the fact that we have 20+ million criminal illegal aliens that have invaded our country, MOSTLY form Mexico (although it doesn't matter where they come from so don't pull out your race card!)

The criminal illegal aliens are not ';migrating'; here. That is just about as insulting of a term as ';undocumented workers.'; Bother are a sweet fuzzy way to describe criminals that shouldn't be here!

The criminal illegals don't deserve a chance here because they broke the rules and they don't give a crap that they did this or that Americans are shelling out an estimated $50 BILLION each year to support them. That's $50 BILLION that should be going to citizens. CA alone pays over $9 BILLION each year. That's one reason we are going bankrupt!
I believe the primary problem for most Americans is that they are here illegally. However, I don't believe that there's a solution that will satisfy both sides because illegals seem to feel that coming here illegally is unimportant.
We have full rights to rant and rave and kick their butts back over the border. This 'IS' America.
I personally am all for a guest worker program.

1. We can have the security of know who is coming in and for how long they'll be staying,

2. they will all be here legally, they'll be paying taxes (so hopefully no more whining), and

3, businesses can count on hardworking, loyal employees.
Well I can not find a single fault in your statement and I do know that NATIVE AMERICANS are the only non immigrants in the USA PERIOD... the rest of us came over on da boat/ swam cross the river etc... and if they really want to get smart why is my state a Spanish name and as are all of its cities and streets? and the city of los angeles named after the wife of a Mexican gentleman with the same last name ';LOS ANGELES'; someone drew a line in an office in Washington ( quite familiar to native American peoples) and said Nope its mine now get off... wow history does repeat itself UNFORTUNATELY...
No one has a problem with people coming here legally.
We have an immigration process, its a fair one - look at other countries..... Follow it or stay out.

I have no problems with legal immigrants in fact I like that we have a mix of people all living together but law breakers should not be allowed and I should not have to pay you to immigrate here legally or illegally.

If you want to be a citizen, apply... Follow the rules, its that simple.
This is very simple.

Here legally=Welcome

Here illegally=arrest and deportation.
I think your premise is faulty.

Let's say you're a very generous person. You have more than enough, so you want to help others. You open the door to your home and agree to take in two people who need help.

You will help them learn the language, learn the laws and rules, provide them with housing, food and medical care until they can get on their feet.

You're willing to let in two people who: 1) have no criminal record so you are safe 2) are physically healthy so that you don't get sick 3) have or are willing to learn skills so they can support themselves and their families.

Thirty people storm the doors to your house, settle in, demand you learn their language, take total advantage of what you are offering and then tell you you're a lazy, selfish b****. They say you're not doing enough for them even though your standard of living is going down the toilet in order to support them.

Can you support these 30 people? Why not? Because you only have so much to give. And you realize that as your standard of living goes downhill, you will be less able to help anyone else.

Most Americans are fine with legal immigrants - with people who truly want to be a part of the culture we have here. We want people to add their unique culture to ours, not take over and belittle and try to destroy our way of life.

America is our home and Americans have the right to determine who will come in. If you don't agree - think about your home. Do you want to decide who comes into your home and determine what you give them or do you prefer people breaking in and taking what they want?
What blows my mind is that ILLEGAL immigrants are protesting the proposed immigration fixes. Ummm...Hello? If you are here illegally, you don't get to protest in an effort to sway our lawmakers. Hell, you can't even vote!
The process to becoming a immigrant has been there. People are just ignoring it because it's easier to just walk across the boarder.

It's simple... They need deported and we need stronger boarders. Not that hard.
It's simple, enforce the existing laws. No perhaps about it my ancestors did migrate here legally. And they were proud to learn English, in fact their native language was not allowed due to the respect they had for America. They did not wave flags from their country of origin either. They waved the American flag. The flag of the country that gave them freedom and opportunities unlike the country they left. They obeyed the laws of this land, they farmed this land and raised the greatest generation ever. My parents.

I have no objection to anyone becoming a citizen here. Just don't come here and make demands on our government when you do nothing about your own.
Actually enforce the current rules on the books.There are plenty of people allowed entry into the US every year.The rest can stand in line like everyone else.If there are that many people in the world who are not happy with their home countries, band together there to make a better life as they are here.
I very much want people to immigrate here. I remember well being a child and listening to the stories my great-grandparents told about thier experiences at Ellis Island.

The problem is that the process could be simplified a little, but there still need to be background checks, health checks, etc. We also need to be able to control the flow of immigration to allow our infrastructure and communities to grow and expand at a healthy rate. Too fast, and we can't keep up, and the quality of just about everything declines. And, what some people don't realize, is that all of the illegal aliens are taking up time, money, and space that could and should be used for the legal immigrants. To just open up our borders and say come on in to everyone is also scary in the wake of 9/11. Immigration is a good thing, and I'm glad that others can come here. But, we have to have a systematic, controlled way of doing it, to make the whole experience better for both the legal immigrants and the citizens of the U.S.
We need to be able to talk to these immigrants and find out exactly why they are leaving their country, where they have all the people they love there. We need to be willing to listen to them and try to help them with their situation. All they want is a better life for their families that they are forced to leave behind.

Maybe if we would be more understanding of their struggles we would understand why they are even here.

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