Thursday, December 31, 2009

Do you like a good rant and rave and what gets 'on-your-goat?

Just asking!!!.Do you like a good rant and rave and what gets 'on-your-goat?
yes, something to blow of steamDo you like a good rant and rave and what gets 'on-your-goat?
I like to have a one-to-one discussion on anything and everything. I have an open mind, and enjoy listening to others and differing perpectives, thats what makes me grow. I hope that the other person feels the same too, but it rarely happens. They tend to get distant, frustrated, upset or distracted, so mostly, I remain silent these days. Hoorah for Yahoo Answers though, I have an opportunity, like others to share opinions, perpectives, perceptions and feelings.
LOADS of stuff!!! DON'T get me going 'cos you just won't have time to read it all!

In general though - I HATE people that don't drive at the speed limit - for crying out loud - I'm in the car to GET somewhere - not to piddle around doing 1/2 the speed limit.

People that don't tell the truth - if they're friends it's a damn sure way to STOP being friends and if they're colleagues it's a good way to lose ALL respect they may have thought they had.

Selfish people make me SOOO angry - OK - your time is yours - but just think how much better you could feel about yourself if you helped others out just a little bit.......

I did TELL you not to ask!!!!
  • blushed
  • lipstick
  • Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?

    when they dont know anything about Iraq? And why didnt they get rid of Saddam if they knew and cared?Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?
    Islam itself is an aggressive religion. It feeds on anger and percieved injustice. The only thing it has any respect for is strength. That is why we need to support our President and show Islam that American has some real teeth and we will smoke you if you mess with us.Why do a large number of fanatical islamics rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?
    Because americans acts as gays and phycos in Iraq .......
    I would go further and say that an even larger number of people who know nothing at all about Islam, rant and rave about Iraq- preoccupied with propaganda and a lack of knowledge of the significance of a democratic world. Democratic countries do not war with each other, and also a democratic Iraq, is strategically beneficial.

    vindictive- its obvious you are not a muslim- if you were, you would KNOW there were WMD (even if the evidence found isnt enough for the liberal bush haters) ALSO if Bush was such a liar, dont you think it would have been very easy to lie and say they DID find some? Dont you think they could have planted some, just to shut the protesters up?

    Ahmed, Saddam didnt rape people? Thats a laugh- if he didnt do it personally, his flunkies did under his rule- and there have been people testify to just that, except they were raped with knives, and hot pokers and things like that-Americans dont put up with our people doing those things- you can bet those soldiers will be punished for their actions. By the way, Americans WANT Iraq to rule itself by its own people- thats what we are there working so hard to make possible- If Saddam wasnt removed, when do you think the Iraqi people would have ever been able to rule themselves? Furthermore, you are NOT an Iraqi who has lived under Saddam- OBVIOUSLY (unless your family benefitted from his cruelty in some way)- the feeling is shared too, Americans would rather NOT sacrifice good hearted brothers and sisters and sons and daughters for countries that dont appreciate it. When pocket change will buy the average arabs political support. Not being bigoted, being observant!
    Um, ProZack, let me remind you that Hitler was democratically elected. The major democratic powers in the modern world tend not to go to war with each other because they share similar idealogies. I doubt the US would draw any real distinction between a country with a democratically elected Islamic government and a heritary one.

    My objections to the war are based on history, my understanding of foreign policy and military strategy, and my moral principles. I did not like Saddam's policies, but I do not believe that gave us the right to overthrow him, and it certianly did not give us the ability to rebuild the country.

    I believe that many Muslims object to the war in Iraq because they see it (rightly) as an imperialist action. Given that the basic idea of imperialism is that the imperialist aggressor believes itself superior to the recipient of the action and believes that the recipient needs its help I think it is perfectly reasonable to see the war in Iraq as, to some extent, an attack on the Arab world in general.


    ProZack: let me clarify that. Hitler was appointed chancellor by a democratically elected president. The Nazi party was the most sucessfully party in the 1933 elections with 43.9%. They joined forces with the DNVP, and together the two parties won 51.8% of the vote and thus controlled a majority of the parliment. When it comes down ot it, the public was so afraid of communism that the made a few really, really bad decisions. The point is that a democracy does still have the potential to turn into one of the most evil dictatorships the world has ever seen. Simply having a democratic government does not make a country immune to, for lack of a better word, evilness.

    But that wasn't even my main point. Democracies tend not to go to war with each other because they tend to agree. There's nothing inherently special about democracy that makes it peaceful. It's just that the societies that produce democracies tend to be fairly similar. and societies with similar ideals tend not to go to war with each other unless they need each others resources. Since most democracies are developed countries, there's not a huge demand for their neighbors' resources.

    Beyond that, there aren't a whole lot of democracies in the world, and most of them haven't been around very long. At less than 250 years old the US is (arguably) the second oldest democracy in the world, so you we're already only looking at the past 250 years. Even now, there are all sorts of constitutal monarchies and such, but how many countries would you really call democracies? If you randomly pair up countries to fight each other in different periods of history (in proportion to the amount of fighting there actually was at the time), you're not going to see a whole lot of democracies fighting each other. Your assertion that don't democracies don't fight each other is based on statistically insignificant data that could easily be attributed to chance alone. And even still it wouldn't prove causation. Over the past 200 years the average number of pirates has decreased and the average global temperature as increased. Clearly the loss of pirates is the cause of global warming. Even if it were true that democracies don't fight each other as much as countries with other forms of government (which it is not), that wouldn't prove that countries are peaceful because they are democracies. It's just not that simple. If you go in and overthrow a government and replace it with a democracy that wouldn't magically make the country peaceful. It just doesn't work that way.
    Why do a large number of fanatical christians rant and rave about the situation in Iraq ..?

    when they dont know anything about Iraq? And why don't they get rid of son of a bush and his english servant if they knew and cared?
    How would you feel if a foreign gov't went on a rampage and started bombing cities and churches down south in the bible belt of the US?
    As an Arab I hate Saddam but also I`m not fond of the Americans. Yes Saddam did horrible things..ex. Inavding Kuwait

    but at least he didn`t rape prisoners during investigations like the American troops did in Abu Gharib %26amp; Guntanmou

    it`s better for Iraq to rule itself BY IT`S OWN PEOPLE

    Americans should get lost out of Iraq %26amp; let them rule themselves
    I notice the media didn't mention ';gassing the kurds'; for YEARS (or ask who FUNDED the regime that gassed them) ... until Saddam stood up and said ';no'; to the U.S. on a crude oil deal for once, and then the media slander began. Funny, people suddenly cared so much for the kurds (although the number of Iraqi citizens tortured and killed in this war has outnumbered the kurd rebellions many, many times over). And whoever wrote ';democratic nations don't war with each other'; needs to look up ';irony'; in the dictionary (unless it's already tattooed on his/her forehead). What a bunch of moronic, media-led, Islamophobes. I am ashamed to be white, ashamed to be Western, and ashamed to be Christian right now.
    What do YOU know about Iraq? The reason they rant %26amp; rave is because the war on Iraq is completely pointless. There are no weapons of mass destruction as Bush probably knew before the invasion. The people of Iraq were just fine even under Saddam Hussein and now we hear about deaths in Iraq everyday - be it Iraqis or Americans. They rant %26amp; rave about it because America feels it has the right to invade any country to ';free the people from dictator and save them..'; and let me tell you America has not helped the Iraqis a single bit, nor has it helped the countless American soldiers who die everyday and their families.
    As an Australian we know the Iraqis as good people, and over their our soilders guard the Japanese engineers as they wire a hospital that is being rebuilt by the Indonesions. Thats three different countries and three different religions helping to rebuild basic medical facilities for the men, women and children of Iraq.

    By the way, Bush did find a Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq - his name is Saddam Hussain.

    You see the Australians have a problem with any nationality or religion that gasses children as this nutter did to the Kurds.

    In Hell, will we have to listen to Kanye West ranting and raving 24/7?

    I thought I explained this yesterday.... Everything in Hell is reversed.

    So, it will be Kayne West who is out of shape and dancing on stage in a bikini while lip synching (badly, I might add), and we will be forced to listen to Brittany Spears rant 24/7.

    *shudders* See - it even scares the crap outta the guy above me!!! REPENT beatle!! Repent!In Hell, will we have to listen to Kanye West ranting and raving 24/7?
    Thanks!! Who the F thumb's down a response like that?? No-sense-of-humor jerk!

    Report Abuse

    In Hell, will we have to listen to Kanye West ranting and raving 24/7?
    ...further proof that we are already in hell.
    You sick bastard!!! That's just downright cruel! Of course it could be worse. In hell we could be forced to listen to Kanye ranting 24/7 while Britney does a non-stop repeat of her VMA performance. With some whiney emo band playing in the background.
    No, you will have to listen to the Pope rapping.
    I sure hope not. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! lol
    That's a relief! For a minute there, I expected Lucifer to force feed me an eternity's worth of Britney Spears.
    I'm not up with recent news... I guess he didn't get that award he wanted then. But still I would have preferred him over that other bloke, 20 pence or whatever his stupid name is.
    I hope not! lol!
    Only worse.

    Kanye West will become a televangelist.

    OH GOD NO! (I mean, OH SATAN NO!)
    You should blame god for satan being in Hell. God should have known that satan was not prepared to be an angel. :)
    Yes, that and having to endure David Hasselhoff songs.
    So . . . this is hell?
    Yes, except it won't be funny anymore.
    I don't think there are any TVs or radio's in hell as it is rather dark, I don't think there is any electricity either.
    Well, the laughs might break the tension.
    Ha! That's some funny sh*t.
    No, just the wailing, screaming, terror and torment of all the others around you. The one you speak of seems to be a candidate but who knows?

    Have you just ever ranted and raved for a couple of pages and it started off as an answer but then it went?

    where no man has ever gone before and then you just hit cancel? Did It get something out of your system and relieve the tension and frustration anyway?Have you just ever ranted and raved for a couple of pages and it started off as an answer but then it went?
    Oh, do you ever have me pegged, lol. I've done that so many times, and then kicked myself!!! Only I hardly ever press 'cancel'...... I usually do go back and edit though.

    Often it is a way of releasing tension! : )Have you just ever ranted and raved for a couple of pages and it started off as an answer but then it went?
    If I want to I will and if someone reads it and I provoked an alternative thought then why not?

    You will never satisfy the mind that doesn't think for fear of not fitting in with the mundane tittle tattle that some of the simple folk will spurt out for 2 points on here.
    Of course, I've been told it's good therapy to vent frustrations on paper. I even have been known to save the page before I cancel it and reread it later in cooler and perhaps more sober moments. It's a common method of self analysis.
    Actually, I have a wonderful penpal and I write to her with my rants and raves. Here, I try to give good answers but I don't waste energy on rants or raves because I now I'll just get another hot, juicy violation notice, LOL!
    On and on

    On and on

    On and on

    Yep! I was so much calmer after
    no, not yet
    yes. that happened to me the other day. i won't tell you what it is about but it did help

    In Hell, will Courtney Love still rant and rave about the Foo Fighters for all eternity?

    In hell the foo fighters won't be metioned. It'll just be everlasting StingIn Hell, will Courtney Love still rant and rave about the Foo Fighters for all eternity?
    she's a heroine addict...she already lives in hell.In Hell, will Courtney Love still rant and rave about the Foo Fighters for all eternity?
    Yes, and she'll probably be mostly naked too ...
    Are you God that you get to decide where Courtney Love will spend eternity?
    rebel seems to me she's already gone

    All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?

    Okay let's see somthing new. Obviously immigrants are not responding well to the process of becoming a legal immigrant. Americans are not responding well to the fact that immigrants are taking matters into their own hands and are coming here illegally. This causes a problem right? So instead of EVERYONE just complaining about what is happening now, what ideas do you have that will have immigrants be satisfied with the ';legal process of becoming legal';, and leave Americans without the ';people being here illegally'; issue. That is the problem right? That there are people here illegally, or is it really that Americans don't want people to migrate here?


    For those of you who are American and the true problem is that you don't want people migrating to the US at all, look back down your family line. The majority of your families have migrated here and yes perhaps legally, so why not give other families a chance to do so as well? We did,I'm Native American by the way.All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?
    We want our laws enforced. The illegals aren't going to obey the laws -- they've proven that time and time again and the mere fact that 3 million were given amnesty in 1986 as a partial solution to the immigration problem and laws were strengthened but we have a 600% increase in the illegal immigrant population proves the point.

    We need to enforce the laws FIRST, FOREMOST, and ALWAYS! We don't really care that illegals are dissatisfied. Nothing short of unequivocal amnesty and a set up for future lawbreakers to continue this tradition will satify the illegals and just like all criminal blackmailers -- when they get their way on one issue, they'll just demand more and more and more. No more negotiations. No more nice guy. No more sympathy. No more anything for illegal immigrants except law enforcement! The law doesn't care about circumstances. The law is the law and if it wasn't meant to be enforced, then it shouldn't have been passed to begin with.

    Once we get the illegal population under control and we stop more illegals from entering, then we can deal with possible changes to the law that can be and will be enforced uniformly. Until then -- We're not complaining! We're demanding enforcement of all the laws currently on the books! Section 8 of 1324 US Code deals with employers and those who hire, harbor and help illegal immigrants. Enforce that part of the law first. Once the income is taken away, their stated reason for coming here will dry up and maybe they'll go back where they belong and fix their own country. Some Chinese, Irish, and others are already seeing the light and doing just that. When will the Mexicans wake up?All I am reading about illegal immigration is ranting and raving ...?
    1. Anyone who hires an illegal immigrant or rents to one gets five years in prison.

    2. Anyone who is caught being in this country illegally gets five years in prison. If you have a stolen documentation, it is 15 years.

    3. We give out more work visas for people in other countries who want to come here and work. If it can be proven that you were in this country illegally at any time, you go to jail for 5 years and can get a work visa after that.

    Problem solved.
    I'm not sure what American families you are talking about but my family immigrated here through Ellis Island and they did it legally.

    Although I have sympathy for those coming over here from Mexico in order to get jobs and feed their families there are differences within the migrant populations as to what they think is entitled to them. The Latino radio and t.v stations promote illegal immigration. They literally promote it. I'm not just saying this, many Mexican Americans are protesting this coming from these radio stations. They don't like it either. It isn't right. I think Mexico needs to start taking responsibility for their poor so they aren't coming over here. I also believe that NAFTA really screwed Mexico and it screwed the American middle class as well. But that's a whole other topic. I don't believe that these people who crossed the border illegally should get automatic citizenship or amnesty. Why should they get the opportunity to step in front of the line ahead of those who are trying to immigrate legally and have gone through the process of doing everything they are supposed to. Perhaps we need to allow more to get over here legally so we aren't having to deal with this crap. But those who are here illegally shouldn't get automatic citizenship. They should be given a chance to apply. But not all should get it. Those with children born in America and with jobs should be given first chance. But there should also be a requirement that they learn english with english classes, pay taxes, and go through civics classes and prove they've been here for 5 years or more. We don't need an underclass that doesn't know its rights or thinks it's entitled to something just because they work in this country illegally.

    Also go after employers who hire illegals. They should be fined very heavily to the point that it hurts more financially than it does to hire American workers who would be paid more.

    However it is resolved, it should be done humanly by law enforcement and not in such a way that splits up families.

    I'm with sassykay on this as well.鈥?/a>
    Yes, sure, we know that a huge population of American citizens are descendants from immigrants. And some know that their ancestors were SENT/BROUGHT and fought to bring the American Flag and the American Constitution into existence. A huge percentage of today's ancestors were brought into America's frontier lands to work WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF AMERICA'S GOVERNMENT to clear the frontiers, work its lands and helped bring the best into America. A high percentage of Americans are very proud that their ancestors came to America LEGALLY.

    Take a look at those Americans in support of illegal aliens today. Listen to their accents! Very likely new immigrants who probably came here illegally or children of illegal parents themselves, and have not learned that America is not the country where they/their illegal parents originated from. What do they know of the decendants of those who came in legally. They probably carry a chip on their shoulders and are perhaps psychologically suffering the complex of having to dace the dact that their parents or ancestors are lawbreakers. Why do they want illegals to continue living here? So that they can avoid standing alone, as they suffer the guilt of being born from lawbreakers. Of course, drug trafficking, and illegal and corrupt businesses bring big dollars. Who don't want illegal aliens when these illegal alins are good suckers for making money, even at the risk of having to face death and lawbreaking?

    If illegal aliens are honest with themselves and really believe they are only taking jobs Americans and legal residents don't want, then they should not be afraid of going back to their countries of origin to apply. If businesses are truthful that they hire these illegal aliens for jobs and legal residents don't want, then they should be confident that these illegal aliens, upon returning to their countries to apply through proper channels, will be able to come back to America with legal papers to work for them. Businesses that try to lie to America with propaganda are probably those doing illegal business deals in America, and know that those illegal aliens would never come back because they are working in illegal businesses here.

    Illegal lawbreakers are troublesome for America. And proud americans who take pride over their ;aw-abiding ancestors' integrity will not allow bad-hats to mushroom into this precious nation to turn it into a digraceful state of existence of crimes and corruption like those countries they fled from.

    The march by the illegal aliens has become symbolic to true Americans that they are set in bringing their shitty lifestyles, of those nations they left , into the US.

    We ought to cheer our LAPD officers out in LA for showing us that Americans ought to take back their nation from seeping into the ugliness of Mexico or those nations unfit to take care of their citizens without promoting crimes, drug trafficking and murders. It's a laugh that Cadibal Roger Mahony is standing fground for them. Mahoney panders to pedophile priests and should be irked!
    HUH? What are you babbling about? You have no FACTS to backup YOUR rant. I state FACTS, not opinions based on illogical emotion.

    Americans are LIVID about the fact that we have 20+ million criminal illegal aliens that have invaded our country, MOSTLY form Mexico (although it doesn't matter where they come from so don't pull out your race card!)

    The criminal illegal aliens are not ';migrating'; here. That is just about as insulting of a term as ';undocumented workers.'; Bother are a sweet fuzzy way to describe criminals that shouldn't be here!

    The criminal illegals don't deserve a chance here because they broke the rules and they don't give a crap that they did this or that Americans are shelling out an estimated $50 BILLION each year to support them. That's $50 BILLION that should be going to citizens. CA alone pays over $9 BILLION each year. That's one reason we are going bankrupt!
    I believe the primary problem for most Americans is that they are here illegally. However, I don't believe that there's a solution that will satisfy both sides because illegals seem to feel that coming here illegally is unimportant.
    We have full rights to rant and rave and kick their butts back over the border. This 'IS' America.
    I personally am all for a guest worker program.

    1. We can have the security of know who is coming in and for how long they'll be staying,

    2. they will all be here legally, they'll be paying taxes (so hopefully no more whining), and

    3, businesses can count on hardworking, loyal employees.
    Well I can not find a single fault in your statement and I do know that NATIVE AMERICANS are the only non immigrants in the USA PERIOD... the rest of us came over on da boat/ swam cross the river etc... and if they really want to get smart why is my state a Spanish name and as are all of its cities and streets? and the city of los angeles named after the wife of a Mexican gentleman with the same last name ';LOS ANGELES'; someone drew a line in an office in Washington ( quite familiar to native American peoples) and said Nope its mine now get off... wow history does repeat itself UNFORTUNATELY...
    No one has a problem with people coming here legally.
    We have an immigration process, its a fair one - look at other countries..... Follow it or stay out.

    I have no problems with legal immigrants in fact I like that we have a mix of people all living together but law breakers should not be allowed and I should not have to pay you to immigrate here legally or illegally.

    If you want to be a citizen, apply... Follow the rules, its that simple.
    This is very simple.

    Here legally=Welcome

    Here illegally=arrest and deportation.
    I think your premise is faulty.

    Let's say you're a very generous person. You have more than enough, so you want to help others. You open the door to your home and agree to take in two people who need help.

    You will help them learn the language, learn the laws and rules, provide them with housing, food and medical care until they can get on their feet.

    You're willing to let in two people who: 1) have no criminal record so you are safe 2) are physically healthy so that you don't get sick 3) have or are willing to learn skills so they can support themselves and their families.

    Thirty people storm the doors to your house, settle in, demand you learn their language, take total advantage of what you are offering and then tell you you're a lazy, selfish b****. They say you're not doing enough for them even though your standard of living is going down the toilet in order to support them.

    Can you support these 30 people? Why not? Because you only have so much to give. And you realize that as your standard of living goes downhill, you will be less able to help anyone else.

    Most Americans are fine with legal immigrants - with people who truly want to be a part of the culture we have here. We want people to add their unique culture to ours, not take over and belittle and try to destroy our way of life.

    America is our home and Americans have the right to determine who will come in. If you don't agree - think about your home. Do you want to decide who comes into your home and determine what you give them or do you prefer people breaking in and taking what they want?
    What blows my mind is that ILLEGAL immigrants are protesting the proposed immigration fixes. Ummm...Hello? If you are here illegally, you don't get to protest in an effort to sway our lawmakers. Hell, you can't even vote!
    The process to becoming a immigrant has been there. People are just ignoring it because it's easier to just walk across the boarder.

    It's simple... They need deported and we need stronger boarders. Not that hard.
    It's simple, enforce the existing laws. No perhaps about it my ancestors did migrate here legally. And they were proud to learn English, in fact their native language was not allowed due to the respect they had for America. They did not wave flags from their country of origin either. They waved the American flag. The flag of the country that gave them freedom and opportunities unlike the country they left. They obeyed the laws of this land, they farmed this land and raised the greatest generation ever. My parents.

    I have no objection to anyone becoming a citizen here. Just don't come here and make demands on our government when you do nothing about your own.
    Actually enforce the current rules on the books.There are plenty of people allowed entry into the US every year.The rest can stand in line like everyone else.If there are that many people in the world who are not happy with their home countries, band together there to make a better life as they are here.
    I very much want people to immigrate here. I remember well being a child and listening to the stories my great-grandparents told about thier experiences at Ellis Island.

    The problem is that the process could be simplified a little, but there still need to be background checks, health checks, etc. We also need to be able to control the flow of immigration to allow our infrastructure and communities to grow and expand at a healthy rate. Too fast, and we can't keep up, and the quality of just about everything declines. And, what some people don't realize, is that all of the illegal aliens are taking up time, money, and space that could and should be used for the legal immigrants. To just open up our borders and say come on in to everyone is also scary in the wake of 9/11. Immigration is a good thing, and I'm glad that others can come here. But, we have to have a systematic, controlled way of doing it, to make the whole experience better for both the legal immigrants and the citizens of the U.S.
    We need to be able to talk to these immigrants and find out exactly why they are leaving their country, where they have all the people they love there. We need to be willing to listen to them and try to help them with their situation. All they want is a better life for their families that they are forced to leave behind.

    Maybe if we would be more understanding of their struggles we would understand why they are even here.

    Does your boss pace around your office ranting and raving?

    because mine is acting psycho today!Does your boss pace around your office ranting and raving?
    My bosses office is on the second floor and mine is on the first and he walks around in circles up and down up and down up and down and goes into the bathroom everytime we all joke that he needs depends!! He's really just making sure were working!! Isn't that right always thinkin?Does your boss pace around your office ranting and raving?
    Yes, mine freaked out when a postal rubber hit his airse. He had it coming though, and his arms and neck showed tellign bruises by the time he went home.
    no (cuz i dont have a boss) but my mom does.

    jeez lueez she can be a real %26lt;bad word%26gt; sometimes.

    shh... dont tell her i said that
    No, he is a very nice guy. Never yells or gets mad at all.
    no, but i dont give him reason to rant and rave
    i don't have an on my feet running around all day.but she will come in to my whole that they call a work space for us and tell us stuff and complain but we really dont' care what she has to say....we ask her if there is some work that she needs to be doing... lol pisses her off lol
  • blushed
  • lipstick
  • If you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?

    This is one American who has both, and if needs be, I'll use the former to defend myself and the latter.

    Considering that we did pretty good both times the English tried to take them away from us, I'd say no argument is necessary. Some things are self-evident.If you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?
    Yes for sure!

    Human's are basicly clueless and judemental beings. If you know that Lord's prayer it tells you so... It tells you that you will be judged as you judge others. So, true, but unfortunatley most Christians or relgions or any sort don't understand that concept.. those are empty words to them. Most humans see this life on a very narrow spectrim and have extreamly low mentalities. Every thing is to be judged and debated and they believe their opinion on things is the only right answer... If you have a teen age kid you know what I mean, when I say that they get to a point where they ';think'; they know everything and you the parent are an idiot!!! Ha! That is how most humans continue to be in there lives. We need to love eachother not to actually accept what they do or believe, but just allow them to have a right to their own opinons and beliefs. Hear them out... that doesn't mean you have to agree... or even tell them your own opinoin... Chuckle from with in at their leval of mentality... Arguing doesn't get anyone any where... In fact one can't even hear the other when voices are raised or mind are shut.If you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?
    You left out politics.

    And all countries have their crazy things that will set the people off ranting and raving. Nearly all of Europe will work themselves into a hysteria over football. (Soccer.) And I've had friends of mine from France practically need a sedative when someone mispronounces something in the French language. lol. Name any country, and there can be found something like that...
    No. I don't rant and rave over those.

    I will, however, rant and rave over the problem we're having with ILLEGAL immigration.

    : )
    I guess Americans are opinionated. They seem very happy.
    .....They took ar jobs......

    Eventually we will need the guns to fight off the religious fanatics.

    So, yeah, I guess you're right....
    Dont forget politics you democrat.
    You try and take our guns and pervert God we will get in your face and tell you like it is.
    You forgot foreigners. I rant and rave about foreigners too. Why is this question if the RS section?
    That....and American Idol.
    No, you should hear my father rant and rave about politics.
    Nah, abortion, gays, or foreigners will set a lot of them off too.

    Or the Red Sox/Yankees.
    So true...
    immigration. There are a lot of hateful patriots in this place.

    You know Rednecks!

    In spite of all the ranting and raving they do in defense of others, aren't most avengers full of themselves?

    How else could they always miss the POINT!In spite of all the ranting and raving they do in defense of others, aren't most avengers full of themselves?
    Yes, and they are all co-dependent. They have to be ';rescuing'; someone or fighting some ';cause';--which means they are hungry for applause and approval, or at least fear and awe and admiration.

    Who asked them to avenge whatever, anyway??In spite of all the ranting and raving they do in defense of others, aren't most avengers full of themselves?
    avengers don't rant and rave in defense of people, they kill them to avenge something. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word.

    Is it better to be quiet and explode or to be open and rant and rave?

    I need to get it out or it sits there and eats away at me like poison. Once it's out, I'm okay. I definitely need a vent. To be quiet and explode would be lethal.Is it better to be quiet and explode or to be open and rant and rave?
    its never good to bottle things up!!!

    %26amp; you can talk with out ranting %26amp; raving on also :)

    you can discuss things nicely :) xxIs it better to be quiet and explode or to be open and rant and rave?
    Both can be bad for health in one way or the other. But they do say people who hold everything in will eventually explode, and that can be usually worse then jumping up and down on the spot when something happens. I think if you could find a medium then this is better for you. Beiing assertive is the key, and staying calm but speaking out how you feel in a non aggressive manner works. People seem to listen to you more then, especially when are calm and putting your point across. I am a passive assertive person and at times I do explode finding myself going no where in a hurry. Just stressed out more, ratn and ravign people tend to look at you and take some notice, but tend to turn on deaf ears.

    Anyway thats my view of this kind of emotion, hope it helps.
    Rant and rave! If you dont you will eventually freak out and could possible make a big fool of yourself. So speak your mind!
    Its better to be assertive, in a neutral way so that you get your point across without looking like a psycho.

    This gets out your frustration in a dignified manner.

    Why do Atheists rant and rave against Christians and not Satanists?

    I mean if there are not any spirits, wouldn't Satanists and Pagans be just as much of a target?Why do Atheists rant and rave against Christians and not Satanists?
    cuase satinism does not challenge their current way of life in sin.Why do Atheists rant and rave against Christians and not Satanists?
    satanists have not started any holy wars and thay are not trying to brainwash a planet and the pagans gave us christmas we like pagans santa day
    because satan is thier GOD but they understand not.
    Satanists and paganists do not rant and rave against atheists.
    because God and Satan are two faces of one coin.
    Satanists (both the LeVayan and the demonic) and Pagans do not tell me that I will burn in hell for not believing in their beliefs. Only christians and now muslims do that.

    If people tolerate my atheism, I tolerate their beliefs. If people preach at me, I will preach at them. If people insult me, I will educate them. If people try to force me to believe as they do by threats and insults, I will target them for re-education with a high priority.
    Because Satanists, for the most part, are Atheists. It's rare to find a Theistic Satanist these days. LaVeyan Satanists are ALL staunch Atheists.
    Because Christians cause the problems, not satanists.
    Christians care way more what we think and post more questions about it for Atheists to target and answer.

    But when a question involving Satan is posted, Atheists answer all the time that there is no Satan.

    So to answer your question, they do, just not quite as much.
    Because satanists don't do stuff like this \/ \/;鈥?/a>

    I just want people to be free to live their life, for scientists to search for and identify the truth. A lot of organised religions get in the way of that, but Satanism isn't one of them (if you look at the wikipedia article on Satanism and going from my own personal experience). I really think that you should be free to live your life in whatever way you choose, and believe whatever you want to believe (mainly because THERE IS NO PROOF THERE ISN'T A GOD).

    I'm against the oppression, restriction of personal freedom and persecution that exists today. Not because of an afterlife tomorrow, not because the man says so, because it's right. I don't want the human race to die out because we couldn't open our minds in time. I genuinely am so sorry if that conflicts with some (it doesn't have to be all!!!) of your beliefs.

    The Bible is FULL of some amazing ideas and concepts so unique and revolutionary and generous and selfless, it's also full of some black, dark and cruel ideas %26gt;%26gt;鈥?/a>




    Are people more afraid of bad than good?
    Satanists don't push their beliefs on others the way Christians do. Plus, they are a lot more fun.
    I've never been bothered by a Satanist or a Pagan. No Pagans have ever threatened me with eternity in hell because I dont agree with them.

    Christians are the only ones I've ever had to deal with coming to my door or harassing me because I dont believe the same thing as them or trying to convert me to their way of thinking.

    Not that all Christians are like that, dont get me wrong. I know the majority of Christians are moderates who mind their own business. I have Christian friends who respect me and I respect them.

    But when you let people like Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell become the unofficial spokespeople for your religion, expect some people to get pissed off.

    I've never understood why more moderate christians dont stand up and separate themselves from those loonies.
    If Satanists and Pagans take to knocking on my front door to try and convert me, I shall certainly rail against them, too! The one ';uniting'; feature of the 1500 or so different flavors of Christianity in the US today is that they all seem to think their God wants them to come and save me by trying to sell me a book, a CD or a course of ';Bible history'; lessons. Having apparently read more of their Bible than most of them have, I have come away with the impression that Jesus would be happier with them if they did something useful and charitable instead of bothering me! (I certainly exclude those I consider genuinely Christian from this, you can easily tell these 'real' Christians by the way they hang out at soup kitchens and hospitals instead of churches and revival meetings.)
    Because the Satanists aren't here pushing their crap. I respond to Satanist and Pagan posts when I see them. I'm not singling out Christians. It's just that there is much more Christian crap to respond to.

    as an atheist i've asked to allign with pagans鈥?/a>

    Christians aren't really a target, just a political enemy.
    How many holy wars have been caused for satanism?

    We only care about cults who are dangerous about their imaginary friends.

    And christians are many times more dangerous than satanists.
    Well, it's mostly Christians that post all the questions that are 'ranted and raved' at. There are less Satanists and Pagans posting questions to try to convert people and saying 'Why do Atheists worship satan, eat babies, and burn bibles?', stuff like that.
    ditto, nondescript above.
    That is a very interesting question. With all the movies with story lines based around Witches and Satan, it seems like Atheists would be against Hollywood also.
    Most satanists are actually atheists.
    Well I'm Agnostic but I will answer the question anyway. Satanists and Pagans don't condemn anybody to hell nor do they try to impose their religious beliefs into our Secular laws. Nor do they try to convince people to join their religion. Nothing more and nothing less.
    Yes, you're right.

    The difference is that the number of pagans and satanists is really small, and thus you don't see any politicians using them in their favour.

    Satanists and Pagans are generally reasonable and tolerant of all religions. Christians are neither of those things. In fact, many are aggressive, willfully ignorant, and intolerant. That's why Xians are the bigger target.
    That just proves that Christians just being there bothers them deeply. We dont even need to say anything to them, we just need to say ';I believe in Jesus and God's love'; and they become annoyed and lash out.
    As Christians we pose the Biggest threat to them. that is why they pick on us more.
    They seem to feel more threatened by us. A lie doesn't fear another lie; it fears the truth. (Boy, am I gonna get the thumbs-down for that one! I can't wait!)

    Time to rant and rave about other peoples religon?

    tell me why you don't like some religons, and just get all your frustration out!Time to rant and rave about other peoples religon?
    Here is some of this information I have compiled thus far about Scientology, although it's status as a religion is doubtful and it is not a recognised religion in some countries.

    Scientology is a criminal organisation that destroys lives and is responsible for countless crimes and deaths.

    Scientology teaches that around 75 million years ago there was an alien named ‘Xenu’. His home world was over populated, so he dumped the excess population on earth in some volcanoes (which didn’t exist 75 million years ago), dropped H-bombs on them, then captured their souls and brain washed them. These souls are called ‘thetans’ and supposedly attach themselves to humans, causing all manner of ills.

    Scientologists believe in denying various medical treatments such as medication to control seizures, anti-psychotics (for schizophrenia etc) mood stabilizers (for Bipolar, Manic Depression etc) and anti-depressants (for depression, Post Traumatic Stress (shell shock), postnatal depression etc).

    Heribert Pfaff, aged 31 died in hotel room, of a seizure. He was undergoing a Scientology treatment regime which required him to cease taking his prescribed anti-seizure medication and take vitamins and minerals instead.

    Margarit Winkelmann, aged 51, drowned herself after Scientologists placed her on a similar treatment regime which required her to stop taking Lithium, a mood stabilizer used to treat depression, Bipolar etc.

    Check out this link for more examples of such tragedies…

    The following links are news stories about a girl with schizophrenia, whose parents refused to allow her to take her medication because they were Scientologists. She had a severe psychotic episode because she’s so long been deprived of treatment and killed her father and sibling, almost killing her mother too.………

    Scientologists also believe they have the right to torture or kill ‘Suppressive Persons’ (SP) people who oppose Scientology

    “ENEMY: SP Order. Fair game. May be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.”

    Scientology also has its own navy, called ‘Sea Org’. Sea Org members sign billion year contracts and are punished for perceived transgressions by being thrown over board (sometimes tied hand and food and blindfolded) and are thrown from various heights according to their ‘transgression’. Alternatively they may be locked in a chain-locker. ‘A chain-locker is ';a dark hole where the anchor chains are stored; cold, wet and rats,”’…

    The costs of becoming a Scientologist are prohibitive. In order to be fully ‘audited’, it costs a minimum of $277 000.00, and $380 000.00 if a fully audited individual wishes to become an auditor. to rant and rave about other peoples religon?
    I don't have a problem with any religion. People are free to think what they want to think, and I'm interested in what everyone has to say.
    It's not the religions themselves. It's some of their followers. A person can be of any religion and be peaceful... and yet another person of the same religion be a hateful jerk that deserves a good slap.

    Should Yahoo answers have a ranting and raving category?

    You mean it's not already?Should Yahoo answers have a ranting and raving category?
    What will that proveShould Yahoo answers have a ranting and raving category?
    please yes it needs it
    That would suck. I would never visit that section to read 6 pages worth of religious ranting, for example.
    OH my goodness. That would be SO funny! I'd love to go and read those postings!!
    Most of yahoo has people who rant and rave and also preach hatred and bigotry, it needs to be stopped and opposed not given thier own category
    Yes, that is why sometimes I ask

    What would you like to say.

    People can then de-brief themselves, let it out, be real, show up, say anything, free time.

    It is a very good idea.
    Why not!

    It might be good for some laughs!
    What would the justification of that be?
  • blushed
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  • Where is a place online to go rant and rave? I am in one of those moods! Anyone else?

    This IS your place. Get it out and make people look at it.....!!!

    Damn them if they have no sense of humor.Where is a place online to go rant and rave? I am in one of those moods! Anyone else?
    Right here is fine, but throw a question in with it. Have at it!!Where is a place online to go rant and rave? I am in one of those moods! Anyone else?
    Maybe start a blog or something.
    myspace, myyearbook
    Right here.;_ylt=Al1OX鈥?/a>
    Go to some forum and rant, rant, rant, and than get banned.

    or a forum.

    or a myspace-y site.
    go to and i think they have 1 of those places
    yeah start a blog.

    Poll: Are you a raving, ranting, raging mad person when you get angry or are you a dove?

    I am a Dove uh ummmPoll: Are you a raving, ranting, raging mad person when you get angry or are you a dove?
    Birds of a feather stick together.Poll: Are you a raving, ranting, raging mad person when you get angry or are you a dove?
    It depends on why I'm angry - if irritated I'm a bit shouty but easily calmed down but if I'm provoked by someone I am a complete psychopath.
    When I get really really angry..nothing is safe.but that is a very rare thing.only twice in my life have i been like that.most of the time i just shut up.
    I used to get raving mad when I got angry...but I've got over all my anger now since anger management classes and now I'm as gentle as a dove...
    ranting, raging mad person, or, as my hubby would say, a drama queen!
    I grow horns and rant like someone possessed then calm down.You would not want to be in the same room as me i can assure you.
    Usually a dove but if he gets me real angry I'm a raving, ranting, raging mad person.
    I am a bit psychotic when I am angry
    I get very very quiet.

    That's when I'm dangerous.

    LOL...yeah, me dangerous.
    I don't get angry very often. I've been described as being as gentle as a lamb.
    I can imagine you are .... Hahaha.

    I rant, rave, rage and swear till I'm blue in the face, and don't stop until they know I'm right.
    I can be very much the ranting raving loon =)) but once it is out of my system I am then a Dove (????) again
    When I get mad, I closely resemble a large green man that recently had a movie made about him.

    The Hulk of course!!
    I don't get angry. I get sulky.
    I am a dove. I hibernate until I calm down.
    I can be like the Tazmanian devil but I don't get angry much these days....
    im a raving raving raging mad person when i get angry
    Quite the Dove.
    cooo cooooo

    doves of a feather cooo together
    I just go and fume for a bit, then calm down after a while.
    I just hold grudges, and find it very hard to forgive people!
    When i get angry i usually burst into tears! x
    raving and ranting but then I rarely get angry
    It depends鈥?who made me angry this time?
    You know me hun - I'm a timid little mouse ;p
    more of a low growler

    Thanks Beth for your curt answer. You don't know all and it's not just ranting and raving.?

    How rude!!Thanks Beth for your curt answer. You don't know all and it's not just ranting and raving.?
    That's not quite a question and what's the odds of this person coming back to see this unless you gave her best answer to see your comments back.

    Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?

    It seems to me that those who answer instantly are killjoy negative types who destroy the whole purpose of Yahoo! Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?
    You know, I find it so annoying that some people can't even come up with a good answer. They never talk about anything good, they don't even answer the question at all. They ruin everything with their idiotic comments. They just go on and on and on, long after anyone is interested. You'd think they'd change the topic after a while, but they never do, until you start to wonder, 'What is wrong with them?' but still they just won't shut up! People like that really get on my nerves!

    Lmao... how did I do?

    In all seriousness though, I do agree that there are people on here that make it no fun for others. Y!A just doesn't seem to hold the interest for me that it used to... after a while you just get sick of all the trolls and the stupid violations... people who just screw it up for everyone else. But think of those who are the opposite... always there with a witty answer or a funny comment. There's both good and bad here... same as anywhere else. There are jerks wherever you go... nothing to be done. Cheers :)

    Edit: It was a joke, buddy... to the TDer: I wave my private parts at your aunties! Sorry... only thing that sprang to mind... lmao. Seemed to fit, cause it's not like I'm angry, just a bit kind of... must you, was that so necessary? And you gotta love Monty Python!Isn't it all too common with Yahoo answerers that they don't answer the question but simply rant and rave? ?
    Yes absolutely and then some answerers just attack the people before them completely ignoring the original question. Then of course you get the people who dont answer what you asked and you think for god sake read the question !!
    well if i want to answer a question but don't actually have an answer i will still answer it by going off the question and give my opinion on something different but something that still relates to the question

    nothing wrong with that

    Yes it is very frustrating. I think there are a lot of people on here young and old that lack common sense, wisdom and social graces.
    The whole point of Yahoo answers is to ask intelligent real questions, not to use it as some chat service.
    And many decent questions never get an answer either ...

    Yeah, I guess sometimes that happens.
    yes, it is a problem.

    Why don't Republicans rant and rave over the vote count like Dem's did?

    Repect... Christians values... Just shows what some people really are.Why don't Republicans rant and rave over the vote count like Dem's did?
    Class.Why don't Republicans rant and rave over the vote count like Dem's did?
    The level of acceptance of the will of the people.
    because they lost in a landslide
    They're too busy crying into their holier-than-thou soup and eating hypocracy crow.
    First, because the democrats cried foul over an issue of racial disenfranchisement in Florida where there was clear cut proof that thousands of minority voters were denied the right to vote. Second, because the presidential race was too close to call and, if you read federal laws, there are rules set about recounts. The best example this year is Montana where if the difference is .5% or greater and a recount is called for the candidate has to pay the expense. If it is .25% or less the state and counties pay for the recount. In most cases, the winning margin was statistically significant and so a recount does not make any sense. Why recount when you lost by over 10% points (heck even 5%)?

    It is not about integrity or class because the republicans (and yes democrats too!) have shown many politicians have no class. (See issues of sex with boys, taking illegal funds from lobbyists, Abrahmoff (however that felons name is spelled), inappropriate international actions by the current president....we can go on and on about the negatives of both sides.

    The point is, elections are number games and with over 14000 lawyers watching this election on retainers to fight anything deemed fightable, you must assume that the number crunchers for both sides have figured there is no point in recounts. Notice you do not have any democrats crying foul this time (yet) regardless of whether they won or not.

    You people are so stuck on your stupid republicans are great ideology, you have become blinded to what is going on in America

    (go ahead give me thumbs down......doesn't bother me!)
    They are and Rush doesn't go on the air for another two hours.
    We have enough integrity to accept defeat and move on.
    Because most of them aren't happy with Bush or congress either.
    They don't want to draw attention to the vote. Votes are part of reality, they'd rather believe they won, just like they believe we're winning the Iraq war in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
    better things to do
    I'm sorry did you miss the election the Reps took to the supreme court? To stop a recount? or doesn't that count?
    Because this wasn't a smelly election like 2000 and 2004.
    Shep Smith was ranting and raving over the influx of lawyers that will swarm Virginia in the next few weeks to make sure the dirty liberals don't walk away with a stolen victory. So basically, they are ranting and raving. I don't see anyone conceding.
    Their more mature.
    I don't think the Republicans really want anyone looking too closely at the voting tally. They probably cheated their butts off, but it wasn't enough to save them this time.
    Because we have class. They don't. Simple as that.
    The peaceful exchange of power is to be respected. George Washington taught us that.

    The bottom line is the Dems have won the house (still waiting on the senate) back and that must be respected. We shall see what the Dems will bring to the table over the next couple years and judge from there. I personally don't expect much, but the people who cared to vote have spoken and asked that these people be given the chance to legislate.

    Now we watch and then we debate... I still love being an American (and a Republican too...)
    Because they own the voting machines %26amp; still lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There's not much to say when you lose.
    Honor and integrity.

    Why waste valuable taxpayer's money in months of 'hanging chads', cries of 'incompetence' at our voting precincts and malfunctioning machines?

    One party can accept defeat with honor, moving forward to the next election with hopes of a brighter tomorrow for our Nation of integrity.
    Republicans have some ethics.

    I don't have a problem with recounting the ballots if the race is really close.
    That's not true. PA Republicans on behalf of Santorum filed a challenge yesterday about 1 pm! Turned out he lost so badly, it didn't matter. And, in VA, there is no doubt that George Allen, R, will ask for a recount. In Montana, there's bound to be a recount as well(the Republican currently behind by 1000 votes) Which is common in close elections. C'mon.
    because they have way more class and they are not cry babies.
    Well, I don't see the Republicans calling the voting

    machines ';racist'; or calling for recount after recount,

    or complaining the absentee ballots weren't counted

    properly, or accusing Democrats of violations and all

    the ideas Democrats thought up after the last election

    when they lost. Guess they didn't think anything was

    wrong with the machines since the figures were on

    their side. Enough said.
    Because the republicans are wallowing in self-pity.

    In shock....that they couldn't hold the fort, they are upset that the american people are wisening up!

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.......well, we have shown that we are not all insane! GO DEMS!
    Your way off base here. Conrad Burns, Montana and George Allen, Virginia have been defeated but they are not conceding. Actions speak volumes! Their ignorance and silent defiance is only going to tie up the USA political process and prolong the inevitable. They need to concede and finish out their term with some class.
    Sounds like you are.
    Now that the Dems run things, guess who they will blame when things go wrong.
    I am not a Republicans and I still say computer voting machines needs to go.
    It's still early in the day.

    Doesn't Obama sound like a Dictator in his ';rant 'n rave'; speeches?

    Wow- everyone who answered before me is obviously brainwashed by the Hope Fairy and false hope of change.

    Actions people- not words.

    McCain 08Doesn't Obama sound like a Dictator in his ';rant 'n rave'; speeches?
    What dictators have you been listening to dear? The ones that Mccain's staff lobbied for?

    Oh yes, Mccain has hired some very SHADY people in his campagn...lobbysts for Myanmar and for oppressive regims!


    ***Obama was gracious and tactful and spoke about US, America, the people, the voters...not about himself.

    ***Get used to LOSING, hon!Doesn't Obama sound like a Dictator in his ';rant 'n rave'; speeches?
    YES! I am so sick of the moment you say anything about that man, his friends, or his politics, you are a ';racist';. Get over yourselves! The moment you try to reason with them regardless of race they throw that out there. Well guess what black or white he sounds like a dictator to me and I hope he never gets elected the president.
    No, he did a very good job of keeping himself out of his speech.

    He thanked his grandma.

    He said ';we did this,'; not ';I did this.';

    He said that we are Americans first--before Democrat and Republican.

    He said that nobody can do it alone, but that he would work to have a strong team.
    I have listened to recordings of famous, stirring speeches by diabolical leaders in the early decades of the twentieth century, and, yes, there are some similarities.
    Yes, Obama is a nutcase and a dangerous left-winger that wants to convince people to vote for him and then he'll take America down from the inside.

    McCain '08
    Not to me. He sounds clear and in control of himself. Shouldn't you calm down. All of this garbage you Repubs spew is getting old and makes you look foolish.


    From an intellectual elitist
    He sure does:鈥?/a>

    And he only cares about ';his own people'; listen to 4:22, he sounds just like Rev Wright

    Obama reminds me of a communist dictator and totalitarian who wants adoration and thinks he is a great savior.
    No, he sounds like someone with a vision of the future that he hopes to attain by enlisting our help. Nothing dictatorial about it. You mistake eloquence for ranting.

    All I hear is the sound of republicans scurrying around on their sinking ship. SS Corruption

    Obama 08
    Do you like to advise him to rent some speech writers from Israel? They are very good in cover up and manipulating you know!

    He does not sounds like a Dictator and I have yet to hear his ';rant 'n rave'; speaches.

    You may be confused with Craigslist.
    Obama sounds articulate, decisive and honest unlike our current president.
    They're not rant ';n'; rave. So sue him if he's an exciting speaker. You people creamed in your pants when Reagan spoke. Was he a dictator?
    Nope. His speeches are A LOT better and better coordinated than John';we may be in Iraq 100 years'; McCain
    Still hurts you that Hillary lost, eh? No, he did not. He just doesn't whine like Hillary does.
    Just seeing the way he carries him self reminds me of Kim il Sung.

    Politics are pretty close too!

    OBAMA 08!
    He sounds like a football coach that talks too much and too long.
    He sounds better than McSame.

    if u want to know what a dictator sounds like,look at your president bush
    No, but keep trying. You might find something real to complain about.
    umm have u ever heard a dictator's speach?

    go watch one on youtube and ask your question again
    Hell sound racist though!

    OBAMA 08!!!!
    got his speaking skills at Trinity
    how about and elitist.with a huge ego.
    not at all
  • blushed
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  • Next time Bea walks into a room, ranting and raving, should Marcus say ......?

    'Oh is this about Halfwit saying youve got hands the size of a man?'

    And then when Bea goes 'No .....' just reply back 'Oh ......ok then.....'

    Its all about planting the seeds of doubt in Bea's mind.Next time Bea walks into a room, ranting and raving, should Marcus say ......?
    She certainly needs to be brought down a peg or two, they need you in that house to make the witch walk before Friday so Marcus and Freddie can be spared!Next time Bea walks into a room, ranting and raving, should Marcus say ......?

    I ROFLMFAO Last night when Bea was away to go on and on and on and on about Marcus NOT doing the Horse Racing task.....................

    But Marcus started going on and on and on about his picture.................

    Then I realised Marcus was serious.................

    And it wasn't AS funny..............

    But Beas face was a picture, brilliant!
    Ha ha if only the housemates were that clever!!
    yes that would be funny and feet the size of titanic lol
    LMFAO !!!!!

    Do you like to rant and rave on here ha ha?

    or do you just like to partyDo you like to rant and rave on here ha ha?
    PartayyyyyDo you like to rant and rave on here ha ha?
    i use to when i kept getting reported, but now i think to myself FCUK em,,,,,,,,,,,,
    to many violations,so just party,fun.
    i do a little bit of everything
    Both lol... it's great for both here
    i can do both mostly party :)
    Party.......more fun.
    party is more fun
    both haha.

    What does the phrase ';ranting and raving'; mean?

    what does the phrase ';ranting and raving'; mean?What does the phrase ';ranting and raving'; mean?
    Usually means to go ';flame'; people online by insulting them. Often includes a lot of capital letters, profanity, and venting.What does the phrase ';ranting and raving'; mean?
    when you're angry or frustrated and you just go off about it because you have to get it off your chest. Usually it's yelling. :o)
    It means when someone starts yelling and screaming and they usually look completely foolish and irrational.
    Carrying on in a loud and angry manner, making no sense.

    Anti-Socialists: Why are you ranting and raving about welfare and po'folk but when it comes to the bailouts...?

    you have your tails between your legs like good little children?Anti-Socialists: Why are you ranting and raving about welfare and po'folk but when it comes to the bailouts...?
    Anti-Socialist. Anti-bailouts. File for Chapter 11. Start over.Anti-Socialists: Why are you ranting and raving about welfare and po'folk but when it comes to the bailouts...?
    I'm strongly against the welfare program, national healthcare, ect ect..

    I'm strongly against the bailouts.. especially 700 F***ing billion dollars.. WTF IS THAT INSANE SUM TRULY NEEDED!?

    anyway. The poor people do not create jobs, have you ever worked for a poor person? no. So thats where the logic comes from. (from a non-biased view point)

    I'd like to say i'm against both though.
    Who are you talking to? I don't want socialism in this country...nor do I want bailouts for the filthy rich...

    I want all the Illegals to go home, and give back the jobs that

    whites supposedly won't take...

    all the construction, government,, restaurant jobs...all of the Social security jobs, welfare, ..all of the jobs...

    I want them to go home, because that is what has destroyed this economy
    Excuse me? I say let them fail, Capitalism is a self repairing system. If a business fails then it was meant to.... The automotive industry did it to themselves, let them go. Sorry but I like to have choices with regards to my future, if I work hard and have drive then I will prosper under Capitalism. If I am a lazy bum who can not take care of myself then Socialism is more desirable. I pick Capitalism- if you like Socialism move to Cuba!
    I'm anti socialist. I'm also against any bailouts for anyone. I say let them all go under and start over minus all the greedy morons that sunk them.
    We are about to give 20 billion more to the ';po folk'; at Citibank!

    They are just the needy with good political connections - you and me can starve for all they freekin care!

    We can all accept religion in our lives as athiests but not fanatics of religion that rant & rave. TRU/FALSE?

    I can tolerate some religious teachings. I don't know if I believe in God or not. I know I don't like religious fanatics, but neither do I like militant atheists telling me what or what not to believe. Among my friends are Christian, agnostic, pagan, and atheist we get along ok.None of us are extreme.We can all accept religion in our lives as athiests but not fanatics of religion that rant %26amp; rave. TRU/FALSE?
    Should be true. But in reality it isn't. Read Dawkins or Hitchens. They are not asking that we all just get along. They want to destroy religion outright. It is funny, and I don't mean this toward ALL atheists, most of whom are really great people. But some atheists are just as ignorant and intolerant as the religious fanatics they fight against. So, in reality, SOME can accept religion in their lives as atheists but not fanatics, but some are too narrow-minded and prejudiced.We can all accept religion in our lives as athiests but not fanatics of religion that rant %26amp; rave. TRU/FALSE?
    Your question doesn't make any sense.

    Are you saying that atheists accept religion? Because atheists do not believe in religion.
    The ranting and raving is funny.

    The rest is tolerable, but still oppressive.
    If you'd let somebody love you just enough, you'd have everything you'd need to break free from all your pain.
    I'm going to have to agree with Karina. I'm confused by your question.

    False. How can you accept something you know to be false
  • blushed
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  • Just for whimsy? Care providers/parents. Rant & Rave Here!!?

    I'd like to know what it is that you personally (not what would go on your schools moniker) see as your ';gift';within your relationship, at centers/school, with children. How did this manifest itself, who was influential, and what were your biggest challenges/successes? Really spout off about anything you would like to good/bad.......How about something you have always wanted to be able to say to parents, teachers etc. Here is your chance to say what you want......This should be fun!! I did this today with another teacher/friend and I loved it..... Just tell us something........ Still 10 points, but not the impetuous.....Just for whimsy? Care providers/parents. Rant %26amp; Rave Here!!?
    I don't know that I'd call it a gift as such. It's more what the children give me I think.

    I get a kick, high, buzz, something about children learning something. That look when they ';see'; something for the first time or understand it. It's as if a little light bulb goes on above their heads ! They love it ! It's fun, exciting, they do it again.

    That's what makes it worth the other stuff. The politics. The parents who rant and rave and don't understand. The nappy changing !!

    It's my passion. but I'm not sure when it started. I attended playcentre with my kids and learned so much about kids development, etc. but it was earlier than that. My mum was a teacher and I loved to play at being a teacher. Didn't realise I'd be one when I grew up!

    Having terrific teachers at school certainly influenced me, They're the ones who make something come alive for you. You never forget that learning. I wanted to do that for others...

    What makes it hard is the daily grind. Paperwork, politics, dealing with a parent run committee when no-one is the boss or all 12 of them are!!

    Love to rant&rave about this..put my new AC/DC cd on my computer.real player said bad things about bon scott?

    why would real player have the right to post their opinion on Bon Scotts death...the band not only has moved on, but it was not true what they posted... they said he died of too much drugs and alcohol.. well we know the real story, no drugs were involved, why print this, just another way for the media to put their two cents in. please don't tarnish a great band for a members mistake over 28 years ago on bad facts. Rock on AC/DC fans for the best rock album in years...I will take all post for and against this, also if you havent loaded your copy of Black Ice into your computer, put it in and read the notes they display about AC/DC if I knew a lawyer out of school that would shut real player down call me.Love to rant%26amp;rave about this..put my new AC/DC cd on my computer.real player said bad things about bon scott?
    Absolutley agree with you. Just then i was watching a dvd called, 'And then there was Rock' Life before Brian, about early days of AC/DC and Bon Scott's life. A friend of Bon Scotts- Vince Lovegrove said around the time of Bon's death, he wasn't happy. Now we know about celebrities and musicians falling into the trap of being unhappy with there fame. It's people like the one's posting mean and harsh comments on this ';Real Player'; that KILLED BON SCOTT. Maybe these days you should respect a f*cking person for the music they make, and how hard it would be if you were in THEIR SHOES. I still like Black Ice.Love to rant%26amp;rave about this..put my new AC/DC cd on my computer.real player said bad things about bon scott?
    well weather you real ac/dc fans want to belive it or not bon scott did in fact die from drinking to much booze he died from a night of heavy drinking he drank so much he puked and choked on his on vomit he was found in his car dead the next morning. but they did indeed move on and there new cd black ice is among the best of there newer music i love it and will be going to see them in a few week's for my second time the first time was in 1988 in portland maine this is a great band to see live!

    10points! what does it mean for a person to rant and rave?

    well it depends in what sense you're talking about

    if someone's ranting to you, it shows that they are comfortable confiding in you, and that you're probably trustworthy. if they're ranting about you that isn't good...

    if they rave that means they're praising something10points! what does it mean for a person to rant and rave?
    that someone has flipped out and/or yelling10points! what does it mean for a person to rant and rave?
    It means that you are very upset and your voice is loud and you just keep on talking about what ever has gotten you upset.
    Talk loudly and vehemently, especially in anger.

    Why do cowards like robert s & cindy rant & rave on yahoo answers ..stop making white people look so stupid?

    because this is how they really feel,full of hate and racist...but cowardly so they will release the hate at home on the computer, but wouldnt dare show there true feelings to the real worldWhy do cowards like robert s %26amp; cindy rant %26amp; rave on yahoo answers ..stop making white people look so stupid?
    they can't help it. youv'e seen Cindy's pix. She looks like she has sometype of mental disorder. I predicted she will be in a psych facility. Robert thinks he is smart, which makes me laugh! I love racists! They confirm that blueblood makes you semi retarded. My apologies to the retarded community, since you seem to have more common sense then those fools.Why do cowards like robert s %26amp; cindy rant %26amp; rave on yahoo answers ..stop making white people look so stupid?
    People make their own decisions. Just because one or two may act like that, does not mean that the everyone believes that the entire race does. Anyone with a minuscule of intellect does not judge an entire race by the actions of a few. They have not made you or your race ';look'; any kind of way. They have only made themselves look that way.

    Come on Hornets Band-wagoners, lets hear ya rant and rave, Whats your excuse tonight?

    hahaCome on Hornets Band-wagoners, lets hear ya rant and rave, Whats your excuse tonight?
    I'm so sad,almost as sad as when the bears kill the saints two years ago.

    What are you mad at. Rant & Rave?

    Go!!What are you mad at. Rant %26amp; Rave?
    i'm mad at the fact that i have a mean boss and that i can't stay home and take care of my daughter because i cannot afford it!!!! :(What are you mad at. Rant %26amp; Rave?
    New Coke! Why'd they have to go mess with the old one?

    Oh Yeah, McDonalds dropping transfats too.
    GW BUSH do i need to say more
    Politicians talk of law and order when they don't even recognize or respect the laws we already have in place. They consider themselves our bosses rather then our employees.

    Also, politicians get to many benefits. Million dollar salaries. Expensive dinners. You name it. Their just normal people like us. Lets treat them as such.

    Also, folks talk about the border and how complicated it is. Its not complicated! You guard the border and make sure folks don't sneak by. If they do you go out and catch them and send them back to their own country.

    The UN! Theres a can of worms (literally). It no longer serves its purposes and if it is to remain needs a total rehaul.

    Take care and later days.


    I am very pissed off at so called Christian conservatives that hate people that are poor, hungry and old. Then turn that hatred toward anyone that doesn't mind some of their tax dollars go to help.
    nothing yet, but it is still early in the day.
    Congress and the President for refusing to enforce existing laws on illegal immigration, or for wanting to make another batch of ineffective laws that provides amnesty to the illegal immigrants.

    I'd like to kick em' all out for this.
    I'm mad at the ridiculous waste of energy consumed in the battle of the political parties. The democrates point their fingers at republicans and the republicans point back. When in fact both parties are a total waste of time. Placing BLAME is a waste of time. I'd like to see someone who just fixes whats broken and move on. I DON';T CARE WHO';S TO BLAME!!!!!!!
    I am mad at nonsensical questions like yours..2 points
  • blushed
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  • Get it off your chest Anything Rant & Rave just get it out?

    i am ranting and raving my friend hung himself last nite he was 22. ive come on here to take my mind off things why why why why ? has he done this.Get it off your chest Anything Rant %26amp; Rave just get it out?
    i want my mum to be happy, please let my mum be happy

    pleeeeeeeeeeaseGet it off your chest Anything Rant %26amp; Rave just get it out?
    Why does Richard Madeley have to be such a prat?!
    I hate beans, god do i hate them.

    There, I feel better now.

    I need a new route to work!
    The people who live across from me must have atleast 30 grown cats and a good 20 kittens all running wild!!! Most r scared to death of people! Most have all runny eyes and skinny! I called the animal shelter and cuz we live in a little town of 800 people- they said the police dept is suppossed to pick them up and bring them in- I called the police dept and they asked if I could catch them and bring them to them? It seems like NOONE wants to help these poor little kittens and cats! Not even their owner or the shelter!!!! I cant stand to see any animal hungry or suffering! Needless to say my cat food bill and eye drop bill is outrageous!!!!!! Gosh I really do feel better! Thanks for listening friend!

    Do ur blogs: rant & rave or rock-n-roll?

    Rant, rave and rock-n-rollDo ur blogs: rant %26amp; rave or rock-n-roll?
    My blog cranks and banks.Do ur blogs: rant %26amp; rave or rock-n-roll?
    My blogs are rambling thoughts. There is no rhyme or reason to them....
    Rock %26amp; Roll.
    rave and roll
    neither....I dont blog alot
    rant and rave mostly.

    Do you ever rant and rave when things don't go your way? If so, how do your love ones react?

    yes of course I do...all the time

    my love ones do not react anymore...they accept me the way I am...I hope

    EDIT: what do you mean Aussie...didn't you get enough spanking as a child...therefore you rant and rave when things don't go your way?....mmmm...makes sense...what can we do abt it now?Do you ever rant and rave when things don't go your way? If so, how do your love ones react?
    I dont rant or rave, but I keep silent and acting like I'm sad , then I find all things going in my way.Do you ever rant and rave when things don't go your way? If so, how do your love ones react?
    With total disdain until I wake up to myself ! lol

    edit....well actually a certain loved one deserves a good spanking ....she obviously didn't get enough as a child !

    edit...look who's all sweetness %26amp; innocence ! Brat ! mwah !
    Do I do it? all the time

    How do they react? they have learnt to ignore that lunatic going on and on and on....but I will keep doing it.

    there's nothing quite like a good old healthy ';why me'; party.

    it's purging, therapeutic and helps you to bring out all anger and frustration you have bottled inside.
    well, i usually kick *** , but your loved ones SHOULD do what you want!!
    if you want I can help you raving , just tell me where do you live looool

    why do I feel a link between you and jeddo ???

    Is it OK to rant on this forum or do I have to rant and rave at the same time?

    I sure hope this isn't sarcasm.I wouldn't want to

    be the first on here to use it.I sure hope this is

    a question.Is it OK to rant on this forum or do I have to rant and rave at the same time?
    Even when something follows the guidelines it somehow gets deleted anyway.Is it OK to rant on this forum or do I have to rant and rave at the same time?
    I mean very well said.sorry!

    Report Abuse

    You can't rant and rave all you want.
    You can not rant unless you rave and you cant rave unless you swear

    for the law says

    you mustist rant rave and swear for it is good for your soul

    so rant rave and swear God will meet you there and that booze you are drinking you must share

    I'm drinking 24 year old Glenfidich do you some . the more you drink the more you can rant rave and swear

    One thumbs up for the kitty

    another law is if you see an pitcher of a cat on this forum you must give it a thumbs up (I like cats)
    It doesn't matter, 3/4 of the answers will still be insincere or mindless babbling of people repeating scriptures and phrases from church.
    no its against the guidelines,,
    A little raving would be nice once in awhile

    What causes a man to drink all day and rant and rave all night.?

    I like this man and we just begun to talk-but he drinks so much -i wish I could get it straight for him. He is a tall good looking man and I could easy love him. But, to be realistic it is a losing battle-I want him he makes me laugh.What causes a man to drink all day and rant and rave all night.?
    Sadly it seems that men never grow up...if you can't stand a habit like that now then don't get involved cause you would most likely end up hating him. sorry take it from my experience

    For people who rant and rave about their children's education being destroyed because of the illegal?

    immigrants, why don't you put your children in a private school ?For people who rant and rave about their children's education being destroyed because of the illegal?
    I would assume that the word ';ILLEGAL'; would hint at immediate problems, but I guess not. Many people can't afford to send their children to private schools even though they would prefer it. You are lucky/privilidged to be able to send your children to a private school. I hope your children are better educated than you, who would ask such a stupid question. People who are illegal are committing a crime and should be punished, but that is a separate question. Please think more before you type. Thank you.For people who rant and rave about their children's education being destroyed because of the illegal?
    What part of ';ILLEGAL'; do you not understand?
  • blushed
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  • 10 POINTS! What does it men for a PERSON TO RANT AND RAVE?

    it means to go on about something and not get over it like yelling and stuff10 POINTS! What does it men for a PERSON TO RANT AND RAVE?
    it means like to Rant is to go on and on and Rave means to totally make fun of. Like totally rave on him. So rant and rave means to just go on and on by laughing and making fun of a spesific person. hahaha yeah i know its kinda stupid10 POINTS! What does it men for a PERSON TO RANT AND RAVE?
    to go on and on about something that upsets them
    to pms

    If you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?

    Wtf? lmao at this question xD That's not true xP If ya wanna piss an American off, just say how good a job Bush is doing lol Or say ';CANADA IS THE BEST! and AMERICA SUX!'; heheheIf you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?
    I have walked thru many a mine field in my time........but none as dangerous or as perilous as mentioning POLITICS.

    The burning white HATRED in this country between Republicans and Democrats is STAGGERING.

    There just isn't any talking rationally to some people about the TRUTH .

    As soon as you open your mouth, about anything POLTICAL------------you are IMMEDIATELY pissing off 50% of the people in the room.

    and that's ASSUMING you are in an evenly divided room.

    It's been my experience, that the best SHOUTERS and most rabid posters and bloggers, without a DOUBT come from the RIGHT.

    There, ....see??? I just pissed off at least 50% of the people in the room .

    what other topic is as DIVISIVE?????

    why can't we all just get along? It's OKAY to have different views and opinions.........

    that's how we learn..........

    why all the shouting and name calling?

    Why the negative ads? Why not just tell me..........calmly and intelligently, why I should VOTE for you.........instead of insulting my intelligence and running those clearly bias ads?

    all that does is make me hate the candidate more.

    And that refers to ALL candidates.

    Appeal to my INTELLIGENCE.........not the assumed lack thereof, to be able to decide for myself.If you want to hear Americans rant and rave, is it true that you only have to mention guns or religion?
    No, that's not all. Just mention George, immigration, Hillary, gas and food prices, outsource jobs, real estate and much, much more social issues.
    You can also try questioning their supremacy or their support of the illegal regime in Palestine. Just watch then.
    No, there is poltics, illegal immigration and white pride.
    No, its liberties and rights.

    Does anti-American ranting and raving (from the mouth of Europeans) annoy the hell out of you?

    First off: I voted Democrat in the last election, and I guess most would classify (or pigeonhole) me as a ';liberal.'; But my political views are all over the place.

    Now the story that pissed me off, and inspired this question:

    My uncle is in the Army, and he's stationed in Germany. And apparantely, the German people love to harass him and his children (my cousins). They love to look down at him and tell him how EVIL his country is. And these are Germans telling them this..... What kind of short memory do these people have?! Do any of them remember the Holocaust?!

    A friend of mine recently visited Spain and France, and she was lectured and scolded as well. It's like these people think you're evil because you're from a certain place.But no one treats Chinese people like **** just because of the actions their govt has taken

    I guess my point is this: the best way to unite this country, is to make everyone realize how much the rest of the world can't stand us..... Agree or disagreeDoes anti-American ranting and raving (from the mouth of Europeans) annoy the hell out of you?
    The people in the U.S. who most need awakening are beyond hope.

    I'm not all that concerned about what people in the street in any country, but I am interested in what people with good reasoning powers say about us good and bad.

    There are lots of things we could learn from other countries. It would be a good exchange for some of the technology we have exported and some of the ideas we exported in the past about individual rights.

    You will notice when you travel to other parts of the world that germanic and asian tourists are the rudest people around, lots of unwarranted conceit, but those are not the thinkers.Does anti-American ranting and raving (from the mouth of Europeans) annoy the hell out of you?
    Partially agree.
    Perhaps some experience from an American living abroad for many years may help give you some perspective.

    I find myself occasionally apologizing for my country. How can I not? Even in places where we are popular, America often comes off looking so un-engaged and so callous to what it does in the world that I really do understand why people form such negative opinions of us. I have also seen some Americans behave abysmally abroad, although that is by no means unique.

    That said, I never feel the need to apologize for being American. I am who I am, and I find that the best way to deal with unreasoned anger or hatred is by gently and humorously reminding them of their own country's shortcomings (Germany would be like shooting fish in a barrel!). Often--not always, but often--most people think better of their remarks.

    Lastly, I might remind you that unreasonable hatred ranting and raving against Americans may upset you, but Americans do the same thing. What makes it alright for Americans to foam at the mouth about people and countries they know little about yet speak with such hateful certainty?

    It does not bother me in the least. It goes with the territory. When you are top dog then everyone wants to pull you down. It gives them a sense of equality.

    Most Europeans get their info from movies and such. But they have no idea about the size and variety of this country. Unfortunately some Americans go abroad and act like idiots.

    I spent some time in Austria and Switzerland last fall and never once had anything untoward said to me. Act decent and you will be treated decent.

    Unfortunately we have had a boorish kind of government for the last six years and they resent it. Some I talked to were surprised that I was so critical of Bush. One fellow at first was hostile but when I asked about his own government he said: Ah yes here it is the same. We shook hands and went our way.
    They are jealous. They remember when they were the big dogs on the block, and we were a crude little nation that tried to stay as far away from them as possible. Then, all of a sudden, in the 20th century, those annoying little colonials, full of the people who ran away from their crappy systems, started kicking their @$$es in every category. We became stronger, richer, more productive, and all around better. While their empires collapsed, we became the world leader. Now they want us to go down so they can feel better about their failed socialist states.
    i could care less what Europeans think
    No. Often they are right. I have no use for our current government either. But then being anti Bush is not necessarily being anti American. When I go abroad I tell people I am Canadian.
    Ungrateful and insecure and yellow. They formed a union in order to compete with us, and they still can't.

    We bailed them out of TWO World Wars. Perhaps we should become isolationist and see how much they prefer the Russian bear.
    I do not agree with the end of your statement or the question. But there is one thing that burns me up even more than some other country's ignorant losers ragging on us. That is when the ignorant losers in OUR country start bashing the United States! If it's so horrible to live here, get the HELL OUT! No one forces anybody to live in the U.S., go live in a socialist paradise like Sudan, or Iran!
    Well it will not be to long and they cry for us to save them again.

    I say no let the Muslims they invited in Jimmie Carters time and to live under Sharia law and not their own laws. SO we just let them fall.

    Not to long right before 911 I was in NYC at the UN and on a school tour and a Spanish lady who was the guide started ranting and raving about the US not paying their black mail. To which I stood there with about 100 people around and set her strait on fact and told her at the end if she did not like here to leave.

    To which there was a large applause and this is what every American needs to do by putting these narcissist self centered losers in their rightful place. Of course for the left here thy love a loser like they are so they would defend the Europeans and all cry together.
    Of course it offends me. They are rude and they expect everybody to cater to their opinion. They treat us the same way they think we treat them. As if we force them into anything. Well, nobody really cares and why should they? When everybody is telling Spain how to run it's country then they can deal with it, until they, they get the backseat.
    I am not being a smart *** when i say this as my answer:

    I don't care.

    I spent three years living in Europe... this was before George W. Bush's presidency (but I have kept contact with many people I knew in central and eastern europe). Even then Americans were seen as unsophisticated and naive about geo-politics... Europeans, in general, are very attuned to American politics as well as their own. They are scared now by the ';cowboy'; diplomacy coming out of the White House and question Bush's intelligence about other cultures and politics in general.

    I can understand where they are coming from... they are frustrated by a nation that appears to bluster through a region and dictate (in spite of it being a democracy at home) policy. Not my opinion but I see the validity of it. It may not be fair to your uncle (or any other regular American overseas) but how many times do we Americans ridicule the French and their culture? or the United Nations? or any other European nation that does not agree with us?

    We are just as bad as they are so I don't think that much about it.
    I disagree.

    They're free to think and say what they want.

    We rant and rave about things in our country. They can do as they please in their countries.

    It's RANT & RAVE time: Do you wish to RANT or RAVE about something?

    c'mon.... you know you do........It's RANT %26amp; RAVE time: Do you wish to RANT or RAVE about something?
    I DO NOT like living with my mother-in-law!

    I CAN'T wait to move out!

    I HATE it!

    Cool, I feel better now -- peaceIt's RANT %26amp; RAVE time: Do you wish to RANT or RAVE about something?
    Yeah, she's nice and all; but, it not like having my own place. Well, Hopefully no assault charges. I'll be moving July 15th. thanks for BA! =)

    Report Abuse

    im sick of violations, i got one this morning! sad thing is, even if you contact yahoo, they wont do anything about it!
    im soo sick of everyone asking me for favors but never returning them! im soo sick of being used, bossed around, and backstabbed, and kicked around! everyone thinks they know it all and theres too many chiefs and not enough indians!! THANKS, I FEEL BETTER NOW
    Mine is a little wacky, I know, but, here goes...

    I wish people would stop thinking that everytime I do something nice, and selfless, that I am up to something. That just really frosts my cookies.
    Why are men so afraid to love women? Are you afraid it's a disease or something?
    Ok..... someone explain this Don Juan complex to me? A man can seriously THINK he is in love with more than one woman at a time? And because he falls in love with everyone that he meets it truly should be ok because this isn't a character flaw it is a psychological issue that requires therapy to overcome? So when a guy uses this as an excuse for why he is cheating on so many people we should all smile and pat his head and say, ';Wow..... I so hope you get better soon.'; %26lt;----?????

    I'm sorry....... I definitely believe that people can love different traits in all kinds of different people, but be ';IN LOVE'; with different people at the same time? I don't think I understand how. It defeats the concept of love......... your world revolving around the welfare and happiness of another as you put them before your self and overcome all challenges you or they might face in order to extend yourself for the sole purpose of loving them.

    So how can someone do this ..... with multiple people??? Love thy neighbor.... sure. But sleep with all of them? I'm seeing a red flag here.

    Ok..... I feel better. **adjusts her skirt and walks back to class**
    i hate that i need money to do the things that i want to do!!!!!!!!!!!
    My roommates douche bag boyfriend....I have tried and tried to befriend him...but you cannot have an intelligent conversation with a guy that clearly is a MORON
    Yes, right now its conservative bull****!
    lets see i think will rave,, moving into a new house yipee!!
    I wish I could... but I am just too tired to R%26amp;R right now....I may be back...
    Actually I'm pretty happy today. No complaints.
    I want to rave about this delicious turkey sandwich I am eating. I also want to rave about my new MacBook computer that I LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    I have nothing to rant about right now.